Saturday, January 15, 2011


My big brother is home!
And this picture entirely embodies that moment for me.
Fleeting moment, because just like that he was gone.
But, it was a very good moment. Despite the illness and hospital visit that day.
One way or another, he is finally home...
My big brother is home!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Arise, O Glorious Zion

Thru painful tribulation
We walk the narrow road
And battle with temptation
To gain the blest abode.
But patient, firm endurance,
With glory in our view,
The spirits bright assurance
Will bring us conq'rors thru.

- Arise, O Glorious Zion

Speaks for itself.
Anything edited is emphasized how I read it. You may read it differently.

"In a world where everyone is granted agency, some of
our loved ones may stray for a season. But we can never give up. We must always go back for them—we must never stop trying." - b.d.foster

To those of you who never gave up, never stopped trying, and came back for me, I thank you.