Saturday, February 26, 2011

Meet Abigail: My SHOCKING Cousin

Meet Abigail, my 3 year old cousin.
She's super cute and super funny and my favorite Abigail ever. We have tons of fun times together. John helps her excersize on the Wii (Just Dance). We go out to eat lunch a lot because she looooves chicken and pancakes. She's the youngest of five and she's super awesome.

And these are Abby's bobby pins.

And this is the socket that Abigail shoved her bobby pins into.

You probably think I'm kidding, or a horrible baby sitter. But I'm not.

I had just gotten home from school and was about to take Abigail to lunch with my mom. I had to finish up some homework first, so I was finishing up in the office. Suddenly, BOOOOOOM. Power's out. And I think "Huh, maybe another transformer blew." Because they blow up on my street all the stinkin' time! And that's when I hear the uncontrollable screaming from Abigail. Of course my Mom, Dad, Heather and I all go running to see what happened. That's when we discovered the bobby pins sticking out of the socket and Abigail sitting on the floor.

I wish I had gotten a picture of the pins in the wall, but I was trying to cheer up the baby. Apparently an electric shock is not something she's too fond of. Nevertheless, she now tells everyong "I'm electric!" And that, my friends, is how we get this.

My dear, sweet Abigal with a burned up hand from her bobby pin fiasco!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Dear Lyndzie:

Congratulations! We are pleased to offer you admission to Brigham Young University-Idaho. Rich blessings and life-changing opportunities await you here.

The next step in your admissions process will be to determine your track assignment. BYU-Idaho operates on the Three Track System, comprised of three equal semesters: spring, fall, and winter. Each BYU-Idaho student is assigned a track which consists of two of these semesters.

STEP 1: Visit,, and complete the track questionnaire. Please complete this questionnaire within one week of receiving this letter.

STEP 2: You will be notified of your track assignment by mail within 4-6 weeks of submitting your questionnaire.

The Three-Track System allows BYU-Idaho to admit thousands of students every year that would otherwise be denied due to lack of space and resources. Track assignments are made to create a balanced student body in which students and employees can benefit from a diverse, varied, and distinctive learning environment. Visit,, for more information about the Three Track System.

Once again, congratulations on your acceptance to BYU-Idaho! We look forward to having you on our campus and feel that you will be an asset to this university.


Admissions Committee
Brigham Young University-Idaho Admissions Office