Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Dear Lyndzie:

Congratulations! We are pleased to offer you admission to Brigham Young University-Idaho. Rich blessings and life-changing opportunities await you here.

The next step in your admissions process will be to determine your track assignment. BYU-Idaho operates on the Three Track System, comprised of three equal semesters: spring, fall, and winter. Each BYU-Idaho student is assigned a track which consists of two of these semesters.

STEP 1: Visit,, and complete the track questionnaire. Please complete this questionnaire within one week of receiving this letter.

STEP 2: You will be notified of your track assignment by mail within 4-6 weeks of submitting your questionnaire.

The Three-Track System allows BYU-Idaho to admit thousands of students every year that would otherwise be denied due to lack of space and resources. Track assignments are made to create a balanced student body in which students and employees can benefit from a diverse, varied, and distinctive learning environment. Visit,, for more information about the Three Track System.

Once again, congratulations on your acceptance to BYU-Idaho! We look forward to having you on our campus and feel that you will be an asset to this university.


Admissions Committee
Brigham Young University-Idaho Admissions Office


1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy for you. It'll be good to get out of Florida, and experience something new(: Good luck with school!
