Saturday, May 14, 2011

I'm no Julia Child, but...

I dunno what it is about a home cooked meal, made from scratch.

Maybe it's the home part of it. When you make something at home, you can't help but put it into your subconscious memory box. Ice cream tastes a little sweeter, when you make it yourself.

Or maybe it's the from scratch idea. When you make something yourself, there's this sense of satisfaction. It's seriously gratifying to know that you made something. And what's even better is when it actually tastes good!

Being an incredibly nostalgic person, who loves any excuse for a self esteem boost, I've gotten into this crazy cooking phase of life. I can't help it. I get bored, and I get hungry and then I think "Oh man, banana nut muffins sound so good".

I can't help it. I've made so many different types of bread. I've made muffins, and brownies, and cakes, and cookies. And they've all turned out deliciously amazing! I can't even describe how good my deviled eggs have gotten.

But now I'm moving onto bigger and better things. Home made fettuccine Alfredo. Home made noodles, home made sauce. Home made garlic bread. I think it's going to adventure. But, who knows. Maybe, like all  my other cooking adventures, it'll turn out shockingly delicious.

Ciao, loves.

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