Sunday, December 19, 2010

"I used to be fat"....?

MTV has so many reality shows at this point in my life. No lie. There are so many!

16 & Pregnant. Teen Mom. Teen Mom 2.
True Life -- which is like a thousand reality shows all wrapped into one.
The City. The Hills.
Engaged & Underage.
Is she really going out with him?
Jersey Shore.
Making the Band.
The Real World.

These are only the shows that I can think of off the top of my head. First impulse, these are those shows! I'm sure there's like, 6000 more, too! I have no doubt that there are a billion shows. And at this point in time it didn't really bother me that there were a billion reality shows. Until now.

I used to be Fat.

Really? I mean, it didn't bug me on Biggest Loser, or Dance your A$$ off. Neither of these "loose weight and win" shows bothered me. But I can't handle this.


How does MTV justify a reality show about fat kids wanting to be skinny on a television station designated and designed for and only for music videos and such.

How does this make sense? I don't think I'm crazy. But, for real.

This, my dear sweet friends, is mind boggling.
I'd like to see music on MTV - OTHER THAN in the breaks between lame reality shows! Feel free to keep Teen Mom on, MTV. But, slow down with the lame additional shows!! Pleaseee! :)

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