Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I've finally conformed...

Blogging. Seems so...weird. Like, you've really got to value your own opinion if you're going to make an entire post dedicated to nothing but your thoughts for the whole world to see. And I, personally, am not into thinking so much of myself. I mean, who cares what I have to say or think? No one asked my opinion. Right? But, that's exactly it! I do have thoughts, opinions, ideas. Things that I, much like all others on the blogging world, want to share and have noticed! I have something to say. And someone, somewhere, might want to listen!

So, as I'm trying to decide whether or not to create this blog, I realize - this is basically just an online journal. Only difference being that your journal is personal and quiet. It's just for your own peace of mind.

And with that I decided (due to many new dell promptings) to create a blog! So, look out blogging world! Here I am - with absolutely nothing worth value to say!


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